Monday, November 10, 2008

Penerimaan CPNS Mahkamah Konstitusi

NOMOR 1711/KP.03.00/XI/2008

Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor KEP/376/M.PAN/11/2008, tentang Formasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Sekretariat Jenderal dan Kepaniteraan Mahkamah Konstitusi Tahun Anggaran 2008, dengan ini Sekretariat Jenderal dan Kepaniteraan Mahkamah Konstitusi memberi kesempatan kepada seluruh Warga Negara Republik Indonesia untuk menjadi Calon PNS di lingkungan Sekretariat Jenderal dan Kepaniteraan Mahkamah Konstitusi dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut;
Info Lengkap silahkan Download disini

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Maen Friendster + Dapat Dollar = YUWIE

Awal Novenmber 2008 kemarin, iseng-iseng browsing di Internet nyari sana-sini. Iseng-iseng nyari cara mendapat duit dari internet selain adsense, ketemu deh dengan Website Social Networking yang bernama "YUWIE.COM", sejenis dengan Friendster.Com yang mana bedanya adalah kita dibayar untuk bersosialisasi/berinteraksi di sana.

Gue pikir2 ok juga nih buat dicoba. Gue Login ke dan SignUp.
Ternyata setelah baca2 artiekl di dalamnya, mudah sekali mendapatkan dollar disini.
Yang penting sering aktif dan mengajak semua temen2nya untuk join melalui referral, maka akan lebih mudah lagi untuk meraup dollar melalui ini.

Mungkin ada yang tidak percaya bahwa walau kita udah menggunakan web Yuwie untuk Social Networking, justru kita pula yang dibayar. Begini logikanya kenapa Yuwie mampu membayar kita hanya untuk mengakses Webnya. Di setiap halaman pasti terdapat iklan yang dipasang oleh perusahaan2 seluruh dunia, dan dari sinilah Yuwie mendapatkan uang yang kemudian berbagi hasil dengan kita para usernya.

Jadi daripada capek2 maen Friendster di tanpa dibayar sementara Friendsternya sendiri justru makin kaya :( mending kita beralih ke Yuwie.COM deh.
Selain Fiturnya yang lebih kurang sama, kita juga dibayar untuk semua aktivitas yang kita lakukan selama berada di dalam Yuwie, antara lain:

1. Anda dibayar kalau membuka halaman Profile
2. Dibayar ketika buka halaman Blog
3. Dibayar buka halaman Foto
4. Dibayar ketika kamu komentar ke teman kamu
5. Dibayar ketika teman kamu, ngebalas pesan teman kamu.
6. Dibayar ketika seorang melihat layout kita.
7. Dibayar ketika Teman kita melihat semua teman kita.
8. Dibayar ketika kita curhat sama teman kita.
9. Kita Juga mendapatkan penghasilan dari teman yg kita ajak.
10. Dibayar dan dan Dibayar.

Pokoke semuanya 100% sama seperti kegiatan kita di Bedanya adalah kita justru dibayar uuntuk ber-Friendster RIA. WOW..!!

Yuwie menghargai kita. Bandingkan dengan Situs-situs friendster besar lainnya. Mereka tidak membayar kita seperserpun.YUWIE akan membayar kita setiap 1000 Impression = $ 0,50( artinya: setiap 1 Impression (1 halaman dibuka) = kira-kira 5 Rupiah untuk satu halaman, kalau di rupiahkan )
Kita, juga dapat penghasilan dari teman yg kita ajak bergabung. Hingga 10 Level (lebih besar dari agloco)

Begini : potensinya, bila mengajak 3 teman dan mereka melakukan hal yg sama...

Level ............Refferal .......Impressions........ Earnings
1 .................... 3 ....................3000 .............. $ 0,152
2 ....................9................... 9000 ............... $ 0,453
3 ...................27 ..................27.000.............. $0,544
4 ................... 81 ..................81.000 .............. $1,625
5 ..................243 ................243.000............. $4.866
6 ..................729 ...............729.000 ............ $14.587
7 .................2.187 .............2.187.000 ......... $43.748
8 ................6.561 .............6.561.000......... $328.059
9 ................19.683 ..........19.683.000..........$984.1510
10 ............59.049 ............59.049.000 .........$8.857.35
Total Earning untuk 1 bulan = $ 10.235.49

Level ————— Your Percentage
You —————–10%
1 ——————–10%
2 ——————–10%
3 ——————–4%
4 ——————–4%
5 ——————–4%
6 ——————–4%
7 ——————–4%
8 ——————–10%
9 ——————–10%
10 ——————-30%

Nah, kalo tertarik silakan bergabung dengan teman-teman yang sudah ada di Yuwie dengan mengKlik link berikut:


Trus ajak temen2 dan semua kenalannya terutama yang di FS untuk bergabung dengan kamu. Dengan berbuat demikian kamu selain membantu diri kamu dan keluarga, kamu juga sudah membantu teman2 dan kenalan yang kamu ajak.

Apalagi sekarang jaman serba susah dan krisis dimana2 yang menyebabkan banyak pengangguran. Jadi daripada mereka browsing di Internet ngak jun trungan, lebih baik membantu mereka ^^Hitung-hitung mengurangi angka pengangguran di Indonesia, hehehe...

Sampai Jumpa di YUWIE, dan salam buar para YUWIERS Indonesia.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pengumuman Nama-nama yang LOLOS Seleksi Tahap I IRN 2008

Setelah lama ditunggu-tunggu dan bahkan membuat banyak orang mulai meragukan IRN 2008, akhirnya Nama-nama yang lolos seleksi Tahap I IRN 2008 dari Indofood keluar juga.
Silakan Kunjungi situsnya untuk melihat nama-nama yang lolos.
Congratz buat yang lolos ya ^^ dan Good luck untuk seleksi tahap berikutnya ^^
IRN 2008 by Indofood

DAAD-Scholarships 2009-2010, Beasiswa Jerman

DAAD-Scholarships 2009-2010 for Professionals Postgraduate with Relevance to Developing CountriesBeasiswa DAAD-Scholarships for Selected Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries 2009-2010 is provided by The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) – supports a range of postgraduate courses at German universities which aim at providing academically educated young professionals from Developing Countries (including Indonesia) with further specialised studies.
University graduates who have been working for two years in the public or private sector in technical, economical or agricultural fields, in education or development planning are eligible for these grants. The 42 courses differ in respect to fields of study, language and entry requirements. The age limit for the courses is 32 for Doctoral and 36 years for Master programme.
The funds for these scholarships are provided by the Federal Ministry for Economics Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Due to the limited number of DAAD scholarships for its courses, not all applicants accepted for studies by the German universities can be supported. Therefore, institutions are also encouraged to nominate candidates, whose studies they are willing to finance out of their staff development budget. In this case, an accompanying letter with according statements is necessary for the applicant.

The DAAD supports these selected programmes with a certain quota of scholarships and with financial assistance for a special tutoring system. At the end of the course (programmes run 12 to 36 months, depending on the particular institution) participants can obtain an internationally recognized Master’s or in some courses PhD degree.

Target group:

Professionals holding an academic degree and with at least two years of experience in the public or private sector in technical, economical, or agricultural fields, in education or development planning.

Language of instruction :

German or English, depending on the degree course.List of DAAD-Scholarships 2009-2010 Study Programs offered

For postgraduate courses held in English:

International TOEFL-Language test of a minimum of 550 points (course at FHTW Berlin 580 points) or IELTS-Test Volume 6.0. Course Commence: September/October of the following year (preceeding German-language course from April or August).

Course Duration: 12 to 36 months, depending on the postgraduate course (see annex).

Special Remarks:
- Participants in postgraduate courses in which English is the language of instruction receive a scholarship for a two-month intensive German language course.
- Participants in postgraduate courses in which German or German/English is the language of instruction receive a scholarship for a six-month intensive German language course.

Please note that the candidates must have certain German language certificate at the time of application.

Form and documents to be submitted

1. DAAD Scholarship Form Application
2. Accompanying documents (PLEASE SET IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER)

a) Curriculum Vitae (please use the europass specimen form at Europass)
b) A Statement of motivation for participation in the postgraduate courses with emphasis on the relevance to his/her occupation
c) Two letters of recommendation of recent date, each from supervisor at your company/institution, and from your previous academic supervisor
d) Confirmation of employment from the candidate’s employer in the home country and where possible, a guarantee of re-employment upon his/her return to the home country
e) Academic Degree Certificate (certified copies of original) in Bahasa Indonesia and English/German translation
f) Academic transcript, covering the complete duration of academic studies (certified copies of original) in Bahasa Indonesia and English/German translation
g) Secondary School Leaving Certificates/ijazah SMA (certified copies of original) in Bahasa Indonesia and English/German translation
h) English language certificate for postgraduate courses held in English request an international TOEFL of a minimum of 550 points (course at FHTW Berlin 580 points) or IELTS-Test Volume 6.0.

Please do not submit “prediction TOEFL”.

For postgraduate courses held in German: please see the details on the course list.

Certain level of German language exam may be required before admission to the course.

Application conditions:
- Age limit: 36 years of age at the time of application (for some courses 32 years)
- Academic degree (min IPK 2,75 for Master candidates and 3,00 for Doctoral candidates) and at least two years of professional experience after completing S1 degree.
- Confirmation of employment from the candidate‘s employer in the home country and where possible a guarantee of re-employment upon his/her return to the home country
- Two letters of recommendation of recent date
- A statement of motivation for participation in the postgraduate course with emphasis on the relevance to his/her occupation (1-2 pages)

Applications must reach DAAD Jakarta Office before the deadline. Any incomplete applications handed in after the deadline can not be taken into consideration.

DAAD Jakarta Office
Summitmas I Building 19th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 61-62
Jakarta 12190

Contact person: Endah C. Anggoro
Tel.: (021) 520 0870; 525 2807
Fax.: (021) 525 2822
Counseling hours: Monday to Thursday, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm.
You are welcome to make an appointment for personal counseling before you apply.

Asian Graduate Student Fellowships 2009

The Asia Research Institute of NUS invites applications from citizensof Asian countries enrolled for a fulltime advanced degree at auniversity in an Asian country (except Singapore) for considerationfor the award of Asian Graduate Student Fellowships.
These fellowships are offered to current graduate students doing theirMaster's or PhD degrees and working in the Humanities and SocialSciences on Southeast Asian topics, and will allow the recipients tobe based at NUS for an `in residence fellowship' for a period ofthree months.

The aim of the fellowship is to enable scholars to make full use of the wide range of resources held in the libraries of NUS and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Scholars will be expected to commence on 4 May 2009, and to make a presentation on their work at the Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies at the end of July 2009.

Applicants are invited to e-mail/facsimile/mail their curriculumvitae, a 2-page outline of their research proposal in English (this may be accompanied by a longer statement in a South east Asian language) to the address below by 15 November 2008.

Arrangements should also be made by which at least two letters of reference, one of which is from your principal supervisor, are sent confidentiallyto the same address by the same deadline.

The 2-page research proposal must include the following details:
1) Whether the data collection or fieldwork stage of theresearch has already been completed;
2) how the fellowship will contribute to the research;
3) the types of sources to be consulted in Singapore;
4) proposed work plan during the fellowship.

Successful candidates can expect the following benefits:
1) A monthly allowance of SGD$1,750 (inclusive of housingallowance).
2) A one time round trip travel subsidy by the most economicaland direct route on a reimbursement basis upon being accepted for thefellowship.
3) Access to library and computer resources on campus.

You can look forward to excellent library and internet computerfacilities at NUS' main library ( ), the library at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)( ) and the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library at the National Library ( ) tofacilitate your research for the dissertation.

NUS' main library has 2 million volumes covering all topics while ISEAS' library has 200,000 on Southeast Asian topics, half of which are in Southeast Asian languages.

Asia Research Institute
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
469A Tower Block #10-01
Bukit Timah Road,
Singapore 259770
Fax: 65 67791428

Graduate Intake Program PT HM Sampoerna, Tbk

PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia that produces such superior brands as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau, and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.

We are looking for talented people with a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business as:

Graduate Intake(Jakarta Raya, Jawa Timur)


Fresh Graduates earning Bachelor Degree (S1) max 2 years ago or will be graduated this year with min GPA 3.00 or Master Degree (S2) with min GPA 3.3;
Overseas educational background must have min score of “Highly Distinction”;
For GI Sales, hold Bachelor/Master Degree from all educational background;
For GI Finance, hold Bachelor/Master Degree from Finance & Accounting;
Strong analytical thinking, achievement orientations, integrity and team player;
Having good level of English proficiency both spoken and written;
Willing to be relocated to other cities around Indonesia;
Have not joined the written test for this position within 1 year starting from the date of the last test taken.
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.


A development program to enable managerial and professional personnel to achieve required standards or performances for competencies associated with jobs in cigarette business for a year.

For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website to find out more detail on written test schedule & venue at:
Only short-listed candidates will be notified
Closing Date: 25-11-08.


The mission of The Lemelson Foundation is to support and inspire invention and innovation that improves people’s lives. The Foundation works internationally through its Invention for Sustainable Development Program that aims to foster human creativity and invention to meet basic human needs and to build sustainable livelihoods for the world’s poorest citizens.

To accomplish its international goals, one of the Foundation’s strategic programs is the Recognition and Mentoring Program (RAMP).
The Lemelson Foundation is supporting the development of Recognition and Mentoring Programs in Indonesia, India and Peru. In Indonesia the RAMP is implemented by two partner organizations:

a new foundation called Yayasan Inovasi Teknologi (YIT) and Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB).

These two organizations work together to provide support to individuals and/or teams of student and grassroots inventors, helping them to commercialize inventions or products that contribute to sustainable development and poverty alleviation in Indonesia. RAMP Indonesia supports innovations in sectors such as water, energy, health, agriculture, or biodiversity.In support of this Program, the Lemelson Foundation, based in Portland Oregon USA, is searching for a consultant based in Indonesia to serve as a liaison for the Lemelson Foundation.


Knowledge of one or more of the following areas: sustainable development, technology development, small business development
Independent, results oriented, flexible, willing and able to travel within Indonesia and internationally
Bi-lingual: fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English with good written and oral communications and reporting skills
Experience working with international development organizations in Indonesia

To serve as the Foundation’s Indonesia-based representative and as a locally-based resource for the Lemelson Foundation and RAMP Indonesia partners

Based: Jakarta, Indonesia
Time Period: minimum 1 year renewable contract, beginning as soon as possible.

For More Information see:
To Apply: Please send cover letter and CVs with “RAMP Indonesia Consultant” in the subject line to